
Apple Repeated its U.S. Event in China, Literally

(Sep 7, 2013)After seemingly endless speculation and months of waiting, it was finally time for Apple to announce their mysterious (or not) new products, which tech media worldwide have been looking forward to for a while. 
from Bloomberg reporter at the scene

What was even more exciting for Chinese reporters was that, prior to this official announcement, Apple also announced a launch event in China, the first ever. Of course, it generated a crazy amount of buzz. Everyone was speculating whether Apple would announce a customized product tailored to the China market, or introduce a groundbreaking cooperation with China Mobile – China’s largest telecom operator, which does not sell the iPhone yet.
Since Steve Jobs never formally visited China in his life time, the media also wondered which Apple executive would show up to become the first spokesperson for the China market (Apple must find this idea so cute).
from Sina reporter at the scene
With great anticipation, top tech journalists were all gathered up in the meeting room of Apple’s Beijing office, with high hopes and colorful imaginations. There were more than 30 journalists waiting outside Apple’s office since this Beijing event was “invitation only”. These journalists won’t regret having missed the “event”, since it turned out to be a video replay of Apple’s official event in Cupertino — held just hours earlier — which introduced the new iPhone5S and iPhone5C.       
Just as the old proverb has it, with greater hope comes greater disappointment, after watching the whole announcement (for some journalists, it was the second time) and a brief session of product demo, the expectant journalists left with nothing but disappointment, added to the fact that prices for the new 5C in China are even higher than Americans will pay for the high-end 5S, but that’s another story.

At last, let me just finish this blog with this famous invitation, while sometimes it just doesn't brighten anyone's day.

p.s: This is a blog I wrote for RaceTech China, oringinal blog link: http://racetechchina.racepointgroup.com/post/61485704681/apple-repeated-its-u-s-event-in-china-literally

