
iOS7 Embracing Social Media in a Brand New Way

(June 24) WWDC is shaking things up again —— recently, Apple unveiled its brand new iOS7, which features deeper integration with social media than its predecessors. iOS7 will feature new social media sharing services, including Tencent Weibo. Tencent’s biggest competitor, Sina Weibo was integrated into iOS with the release of iOS6. Weibo integration isn’t as useful as Twitter or Facebook since far fewer services use Weibo as a default log in account, but users are able to share photos directly to both Sina and Tencent Weibo and the field is set for developers to utilize this greater integration with China’s largest social networks.
The second social feature is that iOS7 has enabled users to access social shared links more easily.In the Safari browser, the Shared Links feature will let users see all the URLs in their social media timelines, who posted them and what they say about them. This feature is just one example of the deeper integration of social media in iOS.
Another example is the new Siri, which is great news for social addicts. With iOS7, Siri has the ability to show related tweets when users ask “her” (or now “him”) about certain topics. But since this spec doesn’t currently support social media in China, it is expected that the Chinese Siri could be optimized further in due course and more closely integrated with social services in the domestic market. 
Speaking of integration, it’s clear that photos and videos are what people want to engage with most on social networks and Apple has put photos at the forefront in the new iOS. Users will be able to easily access all shooting formats, including photo, video, panorama and — seemingly made for conveniently effective social posting — square. With iCloud Photo Sharing, users can also create a shared photo stream – making the iOS platform itself another kind of social network. 

p.s: This is a blog I wrote for RaceTech China, oringinal blog link: http://racetechchina.racepointgroup.com/post/53808912113/ios7-embracing-social-media-in-a-brand-new-way

